2022 ONL Award Recipients

Since 1982, ONL has been recognizing the outstanding contributions of nurse leaders in the region. Candidates are nominated by colleagues and evaluated by an awards committee, except for the Sherwood Award, which is selected by the Board of Directors, and the President’s Award, which is selected by ONL’s President. Awards are bestowed at the ONL Annual Meeting during our Member Reception and Awards Ceremony.

ONL President Justin Drew presents awards to recipients at the 2022 Annual Meeting.

Mary B. Conceison Award

The Mary B. Conceison Award for Excellence in Nursing Leadership recognizes outstanding contributions of a nursing service administrator.

Carol Conroy

Carol Conroy, DNP, RN, FAAN


Dr. Carol Conroy is the recipient of this year’s Mary B. Conceison Award for Excellence in Nursing Leadership.  Dr. Conroy is a long-term member of ONL, has served as a Board member, and, most recently, served as President. She strategically sought out ways to maintain connection with, and support, the region’s nurse leaders who were under tremendous strain.  She has been a consistent contributor and strong proponent of ONL’s nurse leader development initiatives.  Carol is widely recognized as a teacher, mentor, and supporter of nurses at all levels of leadership. 

President’s Award

The ONL President’s Award was created in 2007 to recognize personal contributions to the organization that go above and beyond expectations.

Gaurdia Banister

Gaurdia Banister, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN


This year’s President’s Award is presented to Dr. Gaurdia Banister for her tremendous commitment to guiding, investing in, and growing nurse leaders. Several colleagues offered narratives and examples that highlight Dr. Banister's contributions as a "door opener,” as a trusted mentor, and as a leader who is always looking for ways to elevate others and maintaining those relationships over time. One colleague, ONL Board Member Nadia Raymond, described Dr. Banister as “the guiding light that pulled me through when crashing waves surrounded me.”



Janet Madigan Award

The Janet Madigan Advocacy Award was created to honor Janet Madigan who passed away in July 2013. The award honors excellence as a community advocate or political leader committed to supporting and advocating for the nursing profession and patient care. This year, ONL recognizes two outstanding leaders with this award.

Lisa Sundean

Lisa Sundean, PhD, MHA, RN

Marcia Proto

Marcia Proto, M.ED, CAS


This year we honor Dr. Lisa Sundean and Marcia Proto for their significant leadership and accomplishments in securing investments and articulating strategies to further develop the nursing and healthcare workforce in Connecticut. In their work at the CT Center for Nursing Workforce, their achievements this past year included producing a Nursing Supply report for 2022, adding a nursing and healthcare leader to the Governor’s Workforce Council, and influencing Governor Ned Lamont’s proposed allocation of $72 million to support the training of nurses and healthcare workers.

Additionally, Lisa and Marcia have shared their knowledge, data, insights, and strategies, without hesitation to inform leaders at ONL in ways that have helped advance workforce development strategies in other ONL states. Marcia was a presenter at the Fall 2021 Quarterly meeting sharing nursing workforce insights, and Lisa is a committed and active participant on ONL's Government Affairs Committee. They have secured seats for nurse leaders in numerous state workforce discussions and are widely recognized leaders when it comes to the nursing workforce in New England.



Pamela Leigh Vecchiarino Award

The Pamela Leigh Vecchiarino Nursing Leadership Award was created to honor the memory of Pam Vecchiarino, RN, MSN, and to recognize nurse leaders who are patient-focused change agents committed to improving outcomes. Honorees advance the profession, are compassionate, and serve as role models to others.

Susan Boyer

Susan Boyer, DNP, MEd, RN, NPD-BC, FAAN


Dr. Susan Boyer engaged actively as a member of the Vermont Organization of Nurse Leaders (VONL) and contributed to VONL’s merger with ONL’s multi-state community of nurse leaders. She is the Executive Director of VT Nurses in Partnership (VNIP). Under her leadership, Susan transitioned the one-year, grant-funded, VNIP project into a nationally recognized model for new nurse transition to practice. Her entrepreneurial approach supported collaboration with the NCSBN; as well as statewide initiatives in Alaska, Hawaii, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, and Maine. Her collaboration served specific retention, recruitment, and on-boarding issues within the US Military Medical System, with global implications. Dr. Boyer has shared the CTF with health systems in Australia, Nova Scotia, Canada, and Egypt. Susan expanded services, the scope of impact, evidence-base, mentorships, and resources regarding new nurse transition into practice. Her work has improved patient outcomes, reduced orientation costs, improved nurse retention, and engaged continuous resource development and research studies.

Patricia Duclos-Miller

Patricia Duclos-Miller, MSN, RN, NE-BC


Pat Duclos-Miller is a leader whose impact and legacy on the nursing profession are profound. In her 40+ year nursing career, Pat has held a variety of leadership roles throughout the healthcare arena, academia, and acute care, and her passion and expertise in team building, legal documentation, and leadership development are outstanding. In addition to being a published author, Pat has developed a new leader orientation program, leadership continuing education series, “Tips and Tidbits for Leaders”, mentorship programs, and a nurse manager retention program. Her nursing leadership sessions have been so successful they expanded to leaders and physicians across Bristol Health. She is a change agent, nurse role model, and a leader we can all aspire to emulate.



Marilyn Rinker Award

The Marilyn Rinker Memorial Scholarship Award was established by the Vermont Organization of Nurse Leaders in 2009 to honor Marilyn’s lifelong commitment and dedication to professional nursing practice, nursing education and leadership. This award provides scholarship support for nurses pursuing an advanced degree with an emphasis on nursing leadership.

Pamela Switzer

Pamela Switzer, BS, BSN, RN


This year’s recipient of the Marilyn Rinker Nursing Scholarship Award is Pamela Switzer from Cheshire Medical Center, who is pursuing a Master’s degree. In her role as PACU Supervisor, she has learned a lot about her leadership style, her abilities, and what engages her desire to excel in her position. Pamela has worked on many process improvement projects during the last three years and has worked to ensure policies and procedures are evidence-based. Of particular note was her idea to create space in the PACU to help discharge patients during the Covid-19 pandemic. She led a multidisciplinary team to implement this process, which has successfully assisted earlier discharges that allowed beds to open and free up the Emergency Department. Lastly, she empowered staff to form a team and create ideas that propelled a new self-scheduling process that improved staff satisfaction and retention.

Elaine K. Sherwood Award

In 1993, the Elaine K. Sherwood Service Award was established in memory of Elaine, one of the first recipients to be recognized for outstanding commitment and contribution to the work of the organization. Each year the President, Past President, and President-Elect select the recipient of this award.

Jacqueline Bergeron

Jacqueline Bergeron, DNP, RN, NEA-BC


This year’s Elaine K. Sherwood Award recognizes Jackie Bergeron, a long-standing member of ONL who has made countless contributions to the organization. Jackie has been on the ONL Board, is active in many ONL committees, and is the long-term chair of the Research Committee. Presently she is guiding the transition of the Research Committee to focus on Evidence Based Practice so that ONL can support members in introducing or expanding their integration of EBP into the core of their organizations. She displays her humanity everyday as a nurse leader by bringing her compassionate and caring self to every interaction.



Laudio Outstanding Nurse Manager/Nurse Director Scholarship

The Outstanding Nurse Manager/Nurse Director Scholarship was established in partnership between Laudio and ONL to recognize a nurse leader that demonstrates strong leadership skills, supports a continuous journey towards excellence, and exhibits promise for greater contribution and levels of responsibility in the organization. The recipients will receive scholarship funds to be used exclusively for ONL’s Leadership Academy program.

Lynn D'Angelo

Lynn D’Angelo, DNP, RN, NEA-BC

Kelly Lynn Foster

Kelly Lynn Foster, MBA, RN-BC

Lisa Lima Tessier

Lisa Lima-Tessier, MS, RN, CEN, NEA-BC

Kara Maslowski

Kara Maslowski, RN, BSN, CRRN



Sharon A. Smith Scholarship Award

The Sharon A. Smith Scholarship Award was created in 2004 shortly after the passing of one of our distinguished nursing leaders. Sharon Smith valued education almost more than anything else, which is why her brother established this Scholarship in her name. Sharon started her career in critical care and concluded it as a chief nursing officer 36 years later. She was president of MONE (ONL) and was active in MHA and AONL. She often said that the single, most important thing that had an impact on her career was the strength of nursing in the region. To quote her: “The staff nurse’s care, advocacy, inquiry, honesty, directness, pursuit of what is right, creativity and concern for patients and families are never to be underestimated.”

Towards the end of her life, she reflected that she was particularly proud of her ability to develop people. And, that is the goal of this Scholarship award.

Jessica Gifford BSN, RN
Graduate Program

Katelyn Green MSN, RN
Doctoral Program

Elizabeth Hassan DNP, RN
Graduate Program

Katherine Magni MSN, RN, OCN
Doctoral Program

Cynthia Peterson MSN, RN, CCRN
Doctoral Program

Heidi Pfeifer MSN, RN
Doctoral Program

Cari Ryding MSN, RN
Graduate Program


Past Award Recipients

To view award recipients from prior years, please select the corresponding button below.