ONL Award History
Since 1982, ONL has been recognizing the outstanding contributions by nurse leaders in the region. Candidates are nominated by colleagues and evaluated by an awards committee, except for the Sherwood Award, which is selected by the Board of Directors, and the President’s Award, which is selected by ONL’s President. Awards are bestowed at the ONL Annual Meeting during our Member Reception and Awards Ceremony.
Mary B. Conceison Award
The Mary B. Conceison Award for Excellence in Nursing Leadership recognizes outstanding contributions made by a nursing administrator. Mary B. Conceison was Director of Professional Relations at the Massachusetts Hospital Association (MHA) for 12 years before her death in 1981. Known for her advocacy in promoting nursing as a profession, Mrs. Conceison played an instrumental role in the formation of MONE. ONL is grateful for the significant contributions of these nurse leaders.
2023 Helene Thibodeau, Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital Network
2022 Carol Conroy, Retired, Past ONL President
2021 Joanne Fucile, Spaulding Hospital Cambridge
2020 Therese Hudson-Jinks, Tufts Medical Center
2019 Nancy Gaden, Boston Medical Center
2018 Maureen Banks, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Network
2017 Joan Vitello-Cicciu, University of Massachusetts Worcester
2016 Christine Klucznik, Baystate Medical Center
2015 Kevin Whitney, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
2014 Marita Prater, Sturdy Memorial Hospital, Attleboro
2013 Timothy Quigley, South Shore Hospital, Weymouth
2012 Paulette Seymour-Route, UMass Worcester Graduate School of Nursing, Worcester
2011 Elizabeth Cadigan, Cambridge Health Alliance, Cambridge
2010 Kathleen A. Bower, The Center for Case Management, Inc., Wellesley
2009 Elaine L. Bridge, Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Newton
2008 Janet Madigan, New England Sinai Hospital, Stoughton
2007 Karen O. Moore, Franklin Medical Center, Greenfield
2006 Carol Dilliplane, Jordan Hospital, Plymouth
2005 Barbara Doyle, Winchester Hospital, Winchester
2004 Patricia Reid Ponte, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston
2003 Linda Wells, Emerson Hospital, Concord
2002 Constance Crowley Ganser, Children's Hospital, Boston
2001 Jeanette Ives Erickson, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
2000 Doreen Hutchinson, Fairview Hospital, Great Barrington
1999 Maureen Sroczynski, UMass Memorial Health Care, Worcester
1998 Sharon O'Meara, Mount Auburn Hospital, Cambridge
1997 Nancy A. Dineen, Southcoast Hospitals Group - Charlton Memorial Site
1996 Eileen M. Sporing, Children's Hospital, Boston
1995 Maura Mitchell, Boston University Hospital, Boston
1994 Sandra L. Earl, Beverly Hospital, Beverly
1993 Joyce C. Clifford, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston
1992 Sharon A. Smith, Mount Auburn Hospital, Cambridge
1991 Yvonne L. Munn, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
1990 Judith R. Miller, New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston
1989 Karen K. Kirby, The University Hospital, Boston
1988 Mary Lou DiGiacomo, Mercy Hospital, Springfield
1987 Gail Frieswick, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester
1986 Sandra Twyon, New England Medical Center, Boston
1985 Marion Metcalf, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston
1984 Pauline Fahey, Emerson Hospital, Concord
1983 Mary Halloran, St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford
1982 Mary B. Conceison (posthumously), Massachusetts Hospital Association
Elaine K. Sherwood Award
In 1993, MONE and MCMN established an award to recognize outstanding commitment and contribution to the work of the respective organizations. The President, Past President, and President-Elect select the recipient. The award was re-named the Elaine K. Sherwood Service Award in 1994 in memory of Elaine, one of the first recipients, who symbolized the dedication and work the award recognizes.
Criteria for selection include: a member of ONL in good standing; outstanding commitment to the organization in a variety of activities; excellent project management and leadership abilities; dependability in committee work and willingness to take on assignments in service to the organization; and support of ONL and mentor to peers and others developing in the organization.
2023 Joseph Gordon-Reznar, Cambridge Health Alliance
2022 Jacqueline Bergeron, UMass Memorial Medical Center
2021 Tammy B. Retalic, Hebrew Senior Life
2020 Kathleen Bower, The Center for Case Management
Barbara Weatherford, Diversity Nursing Scholars at UMASS Dartmouth
Ashley Waddell, Organization of Nurse Leaders
2019 Lynette Alberti, Cambridge Health Alliance
Billie Lynn Allard, Southwestern Vermont Medical Center
2018 Jacquelyn Calamari, Middlesex Health
2017 Carol Conroy, Southwestern Vermont Medical Center
2016 Terry Hudson-Jinks, Tufts Medical Center
2015 Joanne Fucile, Spaulding Hospital Cambridge, Cambridge
2014 Kevin Whitney, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
2013 Margie Sipe, MGH Institute of Health Professions, Charlestown
2012 Kathy Finn, Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River
2011 Mark Sugrue, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Boston
2010 Patricia M. Noga, Massachusetts Hospital Association, Burlington
Joan M. K. Russo, The Keddy Group, Sterling
2009 Carol A. Conroy, Lunenburg
Margery Chisholm, MGH Institute of Health Professions, Charlestown
2008 Barbara Weatherford, UMass Dartmouth College of Nursing, Dartmough
2007 Jo An Rapoza, Southcoast Hospitals Group, St. Luke's Site
Mary Seymour, Emerson Hospital, Concord
2006 Mary J. Connaughton, Connaughton Consulting, Newton
Donna M. Watson Dillon, Applied Management Systems, Inc., Burlington
2005 Jeanette Ives Erickson, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
Eileen Sporing, Children's Hospital, Boston
2004 Kathleen Bower, The Center for Case Management, South Natick
2003 Carol Dilliplane, Jordan Hospital, Plymouth
2002 Janet Madigan, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
Maureen Sroczynski, Farley Associates, Inc., Norton
2000 Geraldine Nelson, Horizon Mental Health Management, Norwood
1999 Lynn Davis, Consultant, Taunton
1998 Cheryl Mellin, Healthsouth Braintree Hospital at Metrowest
1997 Sally Millar, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
1996 Joan M. Hamel, MONE Support Staff
Sharon O'Meara, Mount Auburn Hospital, Cambridge
1995 Maryrose Coughlin, Hampden County Correctional Center, Ludlow
Mary Jo Keefe, Charlton Memorial Hospital, Fall River
1994 Nancy Gondek, Saints Memorial Medical Center, Lowell
Kathleen M. Olio, Consultant, Framingham
Therese A. Smaha, Massachusetts Hospital Association, Burlington
1993 Florence Baker, Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Newton
Elaine K. Sherwood, Deaconess Hospital, Boston
Anna Yoder, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston
Presidents’ Award
This award was established in 2007 to recognize personal contributions to the organization that go beyond expected performance. This award is given at the discretion of the President, President-elect, and Past President and is awarded at the annual meeting.
2023 Sarah Sjostrom, Hebrew Senior Life
Susanne Yeakel, Hartford Hospital
2022 Gaurdia Banister, Massachusetts General Hospital
2021 Sasha DuBois, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Cassandra Mombrun, New England Regional Black Nurses Association (NERBNA)
Nadia Raymond, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
2019 Linda Lutey, Posthumously, Past Executive Director, MONE
2015 Sharon Gale, Chief Executive Officer, ONL
2014 Janet Madigan, New England Sinai Hospital, Stoughton
2013 Eileen Sporing, CNO/Senior vice President, Children's Hospital Boston
2007 Sharon Gale, Executive Director, MONE
Janet Madigan Advocacy Award
The Janet Madigan Advocacy Award was created this year to honor Janet Madigan who passed away in July 2013 after a sudden illness. Janet joined the Massachusetts Organization of Nurse Leaders of Massachusetts and Rhode Island (ONL - MA & RI), then known as the Massachusetts Organization of Nurse Executives (MONE) in 1987. She served in a variety of roles, including regional director, treasurer, president of MONE, and chair of the Government Affairs Committee. The award will be given to an ONL - MA & RI member who demonstrates excellence as a community advocate, or political leader committed to supporting and advocating for the nursing profession and patient care. The nominee must be energetic, charismatic, and persistent – a person who has gone the “extra mile” to call attention to a critical issue and has offered his or her expert knowledge of nursing and healthcare to a broad audience of fellow nurses, healthcare colleagues, government officials and/or the general public.
2023 Betsy Hassan, University of Vermont Medical Center
Nancy LaMonica, Bristol Health
2022 Lisa Sundean, CT Center for Nursing Workforce
Marcia Proto, CT Center for Nursing Workforce
2021 Joan Meunier-Sham, Massachusetts Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE)
Madelyn Pearson, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
2020 Patricia Noga, Massachusetts Health and Hospital Association
2019 American Nurses Association Massachusetts
Massachusetts Emergency Nurses Association
Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses Boston Chapter
Infusion Nursing Society
Massachusetts Association of Colleges of Nursing
Western Massachusetts Nursing Collaborative
2018 Maria Ducharme, The Miriam Hospital
2017 Stephanie Ahmed, Brigham and Women's Hospital
2016 Patricia Crombie, Massachusetts Action Coalition
2015 Paul MacKinnon, HealthAlliance Hospital, Leominister
Ashley Waddell, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston
2014 Marita Prater, Sturdy Memorial Hospital, Attleboro
Pamela Leigh Vecchiarino Nursing Leadership Award
The Pamela Leigh Vecchiarino Nursing Leadership Award was created to honor the memory of Pam Vecchiarino, RN, MSN, a highly respected Connecticut nurse leader and former President-Elect of ONE-CT, who passed away on April 16, 2011. This annual award has historically been the highest honor bestowed by the Organization of Nurse Executives, Connecticut Chapter (ONE-CT) which merged with ONL (Organization of Nurse Leaders).
2023 Lisa DeMelis, Bristol Hospital
2022 Susan Boyer, VT Nurses in Partnership
Patricia Duclos-Miller, Bristol Health
2021 Kristin Waterman, Bristol Health
2020 Melanie Cama, Middlesex Hospital
2019 Jennifer Silvestri, Baystate Medical Center
2018 Susan Yeakel, Hartford Hospital
2017 Susan Pettorini-D'Amico, Saint Francis Medical Center
2016 Jeannie Robbins, Bristol Hospital
Karen Kirby Award
In 2020, ONL created the Karen Kirby Award to honor nurses who lead outside traditional roles, demonstrate an entrepreneurial approach, are recognized for innovation, have outcomes at the national and / or international levels, strategically support nursing leadership organizations, and generously provide support to colleagues.
2021 Elizabeth Beaudin, CT Hospital Association
2020 Karen Kirby, Kirby Bates Associates
Partnership Award
Established in 2005, the Partnership Award recognizes individuals or organizations who have worked closely with ONL and demonstrated commitment, courage, and collaboration that resulted in the achievement of goals that would not have been realized without the establishment of a true partnership. Recipients of this award are selected by the ONL Board of Directors. This award is a discretionary award and may not be presented every year.
2015 Massachusetts Hospital Association
2013 Massachusetts Association of Colleges of Nursing (MACN)
2010 David McCauley, Deputy Chancellor, Board of Higher Education
2007 Sally Millar, Director, Patient Care Services Information Systems, Massachusetts General Hospital
2006 Dr. Judith Gill, Chancellor, Board of Higher Education
2005 Massachusetts Hospital Association
Marilyn Rinker Memorial Scholarship
The Marilyn Rinker Memorial Scholarship Award was established by the Vermont Organization of Nurse Leaders in 2009 to honor Marilyn’s lifelong commitment and dedication to professional nursing practice, nursing education and leadership. Marilyn held many leadership positions in the course of her career such as Nursing Director for Medicine and Cardiology at Fletcher Allen Health Care (University of Vermont Medical Center); Oncology Clinical Coordinator at the Vermont Regional Cancer Center; Clinical Research Nurse and Educator in Vermont and Rhode Island; and, BSN Nursing Program Director at Norwich University. Marilyn also served as the Executive Director of the Vermont State Nurses’ Association and President of the Vermont Organization of Nurse Leaders.
2023 Sarah Hoffman, University of Vermont Medical Center
2022 Pamela Switzer, Cheshire Medical Center
2021 Caitlin Tilley, Southwestern Vermont Medical Center
2020 Megan Seston Matson, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
2019 Katharine Green, Southwestern Vermont Medical Center
2018 Stacey Ward, University of Vermont Medical Center
Sharon A. Smith Scholarship Award
The Sharon A. Smith Scholarship Award was created in 2004 shortly after the passing of one of our distinguished nursing leaders. Sharon Smith valued education almost more than anything else, which is why her brother established this Scholarship in her name. Sharon started her career in critical care and concluded it as a chief nursing officer 36 years later. She was president of MONE (ONL) and was active in MHA and AONL. She often said that the single, most important thing that had an impact on her career was the strength of nursing in the region. To quote her: “The staff nurse’s care, advocacy, inquiry, honesty, directness, pursuit of what is right, creativity and concern for patients and families are never to be underestimated.”
Towards the end of her life, she reflected that she was particularly proud of her ability to develop people. And, that is the goal of this Scholarship award.
“The staff nurse’s care, advocacy, inquiry, honesty, directness, pursuit of what is right, creativity, and concern for patients and families are never to be underestimated.”
– Sharon A. Smith
2023 Susan Graff Tolman, Hebrew Senior Life
Martha Kaniaru, Spaulding Nursing and Therapy Center
Jennifer O’Brien, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
2022 Jessica Gifford, Cheshire Medical Center, Master’s Student
Katelyn Green, Melrose-Wakefield Hospital, Doctoral Student
Elizabeth Hassan, University of Vermont Medical Center, Master’s Student
Katherine Magni, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Doctoral Student
Cynthia Peterson, University of Vermont Medical Center, Doctoral Student
Heidi Pfeifer, Massachusetts General Hospital, Doctoral Student
Cari Ryding, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Master’s Student
2021 Cynthia Dutton, South Shore Hospital, Master’s Student
Cory Gallant, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Master’s Student
Bryanne Harrington, Newton Wellesley Hospital, Doctoral Student
Blaze Hirsch, Tufts Medical Center, Doctoral Student
Elza Malkasian, The Miriam Hospital, Master’s Student
Paulette Vieira, Boston Children’s Hospital, Doctoral Student
2020 Jayne Darras, University of Connecticut SON (BSN)
Heather Laplume, The Miriam Hospital, Master’s Student
Pamela Switzer, Cheshire Medical Center, Master’s Student
Joanne Thomas, Cambridge Health Alliance, Master’s Student
Lillian Toomey, Boston Children's Hospital, Master’s Student
Laudio Outstanding Nurse Manager/Nurse Director Scholarship
The Outstanding Nurse Manager/Nurse Director Scholarship was established in 2021 in partnership between Laudio and ONL to recognize a nurse leader that demonstrates strong leadership skills, supports a continuous journey towards excellence, and exhibits promise for greater contribution and levels of responsibility in the organization. The recipients will receive scholarship funds to be used exclusively for ONL’s Leadership Academy program.
2023 Victoria Franco, Newport Hospital
Kari Irwin, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Fran Leonard, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
2022 Lynn D’Angelo, UMass Memorial Medical Center
Kelly Lynn Foster, The Miriam Hospital
Lisa Lima-Tessier, Newport Hospital
Kara Maslowski, Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital Network
2021 Crystal Derosier, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Janet Carey Guarino, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Brandon Kulak, Middlesex Health
Deborah Moore, Newton Wellesley Hospital
2020 Carole Deangelis, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Devin Lucy, Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital Network
Laurie Pudvar, Southwestern Vermont Medical Center